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Five Trickier Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Photo by YaroslavShuraev on Pexels

Schmackos Wacko Tricks to Teach Your Dog


Make your doggo the star of the show with some fancy tricks that will wow their furry friends. Learning new skills together can be great fun for you both! If you are a patient teacher and your dog has a knack for learning here are some advanced dog tricks you might want to try.


Recapping the brilliant basics

If your pooch hasn’t got the basics right they definitely won’t be able to pull off any elaborate party tricks. Make sure they know commands like “sit”, “stay”, “come”, “leave” and “lay down.” These basic tricks for dogsact as a foundation for everything else – and while circus tricks are bound to draw a gasp, it’s also useful to have a well-mannered pooch in the home.Teaching your dog tricks can also be a fun way to teach them discipline through play.

Treating your dog during training

You wouldn’t work for nothing, and neither does your dog! To start with, one treat per trick should work. Gradually reduce them as you go along, but always have a tasty reward for all that effort in your pocket. 

Going from basic to advanced tricks

Once you’ve both got the basics under your belt, it’s time to up your game with some of our more advanced tricks to teach dogs. Take your time and start with the easy stuff, being patient with your pet as they learn. You might want to invest in a clicker. This is a little tool that makes a sound, letting your doggo know a treat is on the way.


Advanced tricks to teach your dog

There are loads of cool tricks to teach your dog once you get to this stage. The key is repetition and patience, and giving them a chance to chill out when they get tired. It is meant to be fun, after all!

High five

This one might not be as tricky as it looks, since dogs tend to paw at things when they are curious. Start with a treat in your closed fist and let them lick and sniff at it. Once they start to paw at your hand, click or say ‘yes’, and give them a treat. Repeat this until they paw every time, adding the word ‘high five’ until they understand this as the cue.


Singing is one of those advanced dog tricksthat works through positive reinforcement. When you sing yourself, if your dog barks or howls along with you, give them a treat immediately, and repeat. Your pooch might not be the next Beyonce but you will enjoy a bit of canine karaoke together. 


Freeze is one of those neat tricks for dogs that turns heads but can also be useful for keeping them safe. Give your dog a command like “stay” then walk a little distance away. Call your pooch, then walk towards them until your dog hesitates, then bring out the treats to reward them. Then try adding the “freeze” command so they know exactly when to stop in their tracks. 


Getting your dog to bow like a butler is a real showstopper. If they already know the “stand” command, show them a treat just in front of their nose and then bring it down towards the floor. Any bend in the elbows gets a treat, until they are leaning with their elbows on the floor. 


Get your dog to grab a toy with their mouth, slipping them a treat for encouragement if necessary, then toss it away. Any time they bring it back, they get a treat. Little by little, throw the toy further away, until your dog has mastered the game. 

Fancy tricks are fun for your dog and give them a bit of mental stimulation. You will have a lot of laughs learning together – a journey that can last a lifetime. For more tips on how to train your dog, head on over to our Wonderful Side of Wacko ™ blog.

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